5 effective ways to improve your self-confidence in the flight deckEvery pilot has faced a situation that has shot their confidence. There are steps we can take to turn out situation around...
BoundariesA boundary is a personal property line that marks those things for which we are responsible. Boundaries define who we are and who we are not
WHY YOU MAY NEED A LIFE AUDITIf you're over-scheduled or overwhelmed... read on... HAVE YOU EVER just needed to sit back with a cold one, wipe the sweat from your...
BAN THE RESOLUTION! A COMPLETELY UNCONVENTIONAL APPROACH TO STARTING A NEW YEAR.. {This is too good not to share} The New Year is upon us, which means it’s...
Breaking free from the chains of G.U.I.L.T.This whole breaking free from guilt thing is as much a path to living my best life here on earth as it is a path to transcending that...